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Which is the Best Ecommerce Platform in 2024: Shopify Vs Adobe Commerce?

  • January 30, 2024
  • by Jasreet Kaur
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There are many ecommerce platforms entrepreneurs can use to start an online business, sell products, and manage orders. Magento (Adobe Commerce) and Shopify are popular options among these platforms.

Globally, thousands of merchants are served by the two solutions. They give retailers the ability to personalise their online storefronts, provide smooth brand experiences, and optimise their corporate processes. However, depending on your demands, one can be better suited than the other. 

Check out our in-depth comparison between Magento (Adobe Commerce) and Shopify to determine which is the best platform for your online business. 

Overview of Ecommerce Platforms

In the ever-evolving world of online commerce, selecting the right platform is crucial to driving your business towards success. Ecommerce platforms provide businesses with essential tools to establish a strong online presence and manage and improve their digital storefronts. 

Among the vast number of options available, two prominent contenders stand out – Shopify and Adobe Commerce. These platforms are not just players but the creators of online success, providing a robust infrastructure that enables businesses to create, refine, and expand their digital empires. 

In this fast-paced digital era, let’s explore the unique strengths and nuances that differentiate Shopify and Adobe Commerce from the crowded field of boosting ecommerce ROI solutions. For businesses seeking expert guidance, partnering with a specialized Shopify agency can provide invaluable insights and strategies to maximize online success. 

Shopify: Known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use, Shopify allows businesses to quickly set up their online store with minimal technical knowledge. It offers a variety of customizable templates and apps that cater to different business needs. Its integrated payment processing and seamless scalability make it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking to grow rapidly. 

Adobe Commerce: Formerly known as Magento, Adobe Commerce is renowned for its powerful and flexible platform tailored for larger enterprises with complex needs. It provides extensive customisation options, advanced SEO capabilities, and robust analytics. Adobe Commerce excels in handling large inventories and supports multiple languages and currencies, making it ideal for businesses with global aspirations. 

Want to know more about them? Let us walk you through their features and benefits in detail!

Do you want to learn all about how to start an eCommerce business in the UK in 2024?

Check out our comprehensive guide here: How To Start An Ecommerce Business In the UK in 2024.

Shopify: What is it?

Shopify, the ecommerce powerhouse, is tailor-made for businesses of all sizes. Its user-friendly interface simplifies online venture initiation, while an all-in-one solution integrates essential functions like website design, payment processing, and order fulfillment. Versatile and adaptive, Shopify suits various industries and provides a rich app ecosystem for customisation. 

Key to its appeal is robust security measures, ensuring safe transactions and data protection. Shopify’s reliability is a foundation for business confidence. Constantly innovating, the platform stays ahead with regular updates, offering a dynamic ecosystem for entrepreneurs to thrive. 

In essence, Shopify is more than a platform – it’s a dynamic force propelling online businesses to success. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or part of a larger enterprise, Shopify streamlines the complexities of ecommerce, making it the go-to solution in the competitive digital landscape.

Do you want to learn all about how to start an eCommerce business in the UK in 2024?

Check out our comprehensive guide here: How To Start An Ecommerce Business In the UK in 2024.

Adobe Commerce: What is it?

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, is a powerhouse in the realm of open-source ecommerce platforms, specifically catering to larger enterprises. Renowned for its unparalleled customisation capabilities and flexibility, Adobe Commerce offers a robust solution for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital marketplace. 

With its open-source nature, Adobe Commerce provides enterprises with the freedom to tailor the platform to their unique needs, offering a level of control and adaptability that is unmatched in the ecommerce landscape. 

Designed with scalability in mind, Adobe Commerce excels at accommodating the evolving needs of growing enterprises. Its advanced feature set goes beyond the basics, providing sophisticated tools for inventory management, customer segmentation, and personalized marketing strategies. 

Additionally, Adobe Commerce boasts a rich ecosystem of extensions and integrations, allowing businesses to enhance their ecommerce functionality and create a tailored solution that aligns with their objectives. 

With professional-grade security measures and dedicated support services, Adobe Commerce ensures that enterprises can confidently manage large volumes of transactions and customer data while optimising their ecommerce operations for success in the competitive digital landscape.

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Ecommerce Platforms: Shopify vs. Adobe Commerce

Ecommerce Platforms: Shopify vs. Adobe Commerce

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, selecting the right platform is essential for business success. Here’s a detailed comparison of Shopify and Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) to help you make an informed decision.

Category  Shopify  Adobe Commerce  
Pricing and Plans– Tiered Pricing Structure: Basic: $39/month, Shopify: $105/month, Advanced: $399/month (US).  
-Additional Costs: Transaction fees, app costs, discounts for annual payments.  
-Scalable Plans: Upgradable as business grows.
– Custom Pricing: Tailored for larger enterprises with complex needs.  
– Flexibility: Negotiation and customisation based on business needs.
Ecommerce Functionality– Seamless Integration: Various payment gateways.  
– Built-in Features: Abandoned cart recovery, discount codes, rich app store.  
– User-Friendly: Intuitive interface for product management and order fulfillment. 
– Advanced Management: Robust inventory and product catalog management.  
– Customisation: Customisable checkout, extensive order management.  
– Complex Operations: Ideal for large-scale businesses.
Templates and Website Editor– Extensive Library: Wide range of professionally designed templates.  
-Ease of Customisation: Drag-and-drop editor, mobile-responsive themes.  
– Advanced Customisation: HTML/CSS editing.
– Highly Customizable Themes: Extensive design options.  
– Advanced Tools: Control over layout, typography, branding.  
– Third-Party Integrations: Enhances functionality.  
Scalability  – Scalable Infrastructure: Handles high traffic volumes, supports multichannel selling.  
– Automatic Scaling: Built-in performance optimisation.  
– Enterprise-Level Scalability: Supports high transaction volumes, multiple storefronts.  
– Customizable Infrastructure: Adapts to growth and changing needs.
Ease of Use  – User-Friendly Dashboard: Easy setup and management, minimal technical expertise.  
– Support: 24/7 customer support, extensive resources.
– Comprehensive Platform: Steeper learning curve due to advanced features.  
– Technical Expertise Needed: Requires customisation and configuration.  
– Dedicated Support: Extensive documentation, resources. 
Themes  – Diverse Themes: Regularly updated, responsive designs.  
– Customisation Options: Preview and edit themes before installation.  
– Premium Themes: Advanced features, extensive design options.  
-Theme Marketplace: Wide variety for different needs.
Help and Support – 24/7 Support: Live chat, email, phone.  
– Extensive Resources: Tutorials, community forums, regular updates.  
– Dedicated Support: Personalized assistance, certified developers.  
– Comprehensive Documentation: Extensive user guides, knowledge base.

1. Pricing and Plans


  • Tiered Pricing Structure: Shopify offers plans for businesses of all sizes. The Basic plan is $39 per month, the Shopify plan is $105 per month, and the Advanced plan is $399 per month in the US (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 
  • Additional Costs: Includes transaction fees and app costs, but discounts are available for annual payments. 
  • Scalable Plans: Allows businesses to upgrade as they grow, providing access to more advanced features. 

Adobe Commerce: 

  • Custom Pricing: This pricing option is tailored for larger enterprises with complex needs. It is highly customizable and can include additional fees for support and customisation (ECommerce Platforms) (Home | Site Builder Report). 
  • Flexibility: Offers negotiation and customisation based on specific business needs. 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for its scalable pricing options that are suitable for businesses of all sizes. Opt for Adobe Commerce if your business requires extensive customizsation and enterprise-level features despite potentially higher costs.

2. Ecommerce Functionality


  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with various payment gateways for smooth transactions. 
  • Built-in Features: Includes abandoned cart recovery, discount codes, and a rich app store for expanding functionalities. 
  • User-Friendly: Simplifies product management and order fulfillment with an intuitive interface (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 

Adobe Commerce: 

  • Advanced Management: Robust inventory and product catalog management. 
  • Customisation: Customizable checkout process and extensive order management features. 
  • Complex Operations: Ideal for handling large-scale operations and complex business requirements (Ecommerce Platforms) (Home | Site Builder Report) . 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for its intuitive interface and easy setup, ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. Opt for Adobe Commerce for advanced functionalities tailored for large enterprises.

3. Templates and Website Editor


  • Extensive Library: Offers a wide range of professionally designed templates. 
  • Ease of Customisation: Drag-and-drop editor and mobile-responsive themes. 
  • Advanced Customisation: Ability to edit HTML/CSS for further customisation (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 

Adobe Commerce: 

  • Highly Customizable Themes: Extensive design options for creating unique storefronts. 
  • Advanced Tools: Precise control over layout, typography, and branding. 
  • Third-Party Integrations: Enhances website functionality (Ecommerce Platforms) (Home | Site Builder Report) . 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for its user-friendly editor and vast template library, perfect for quick setup. Opt for Adobe Commerce for advanced customisation options and flexibility in design.

4. Scalability


  • Scalable Infrastructure: Handles high traffic volumes and supports multichannel selling. 
  • Automatic Scaling: Built-in features for performance optimisation (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 

Adobe Commerce: 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for ease of scalability as your business expands. Opt for Adobe Commerce for enterprise-level scalability suited for large-scale operations.

5. Ease of Use:


  • User-Friendly Dashboard: Easy setup and management with minimal technical expertise required. 
  • Support: 24/7 customer support and extensive resources for assistance (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 

Adobe Commerce: 

  • Comprehensive Platform: Steeper learning curve due to advanced features. 
  • Technical Expertise Needed: Requires customisation and configuration. 
  • Dedicated Support: Extensive documentation and resources available (Ecommerce Platforms) (Home | Site Builder Report) . 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for its user-friendly interface, suitable for beginners. Opt for Adobe Commerce for businesses with technical expertise and specific customisation needs.

6. Themes


  • Diverse Themes: Regularly updated and responsive designs. 
  • Customisation Options: Ability to preview and edit themes before installation (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 

Adobe Commerce: 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for its extensive theme library and easy customisation. Opt for Adobe Commerce for advanced customisation capabilities and premium themes.

7. Help and Support


  • 24/7 Support: Via live chat, email, and phone. 
  • Extensive Resources: Tutorials, community forums, and regular updates (PageFly) (Ecommerce Platforms) . 

Adobe Commerce: 

Verdict: Choose Shopify for accessible support channels suitable for businesses of all sizes. Opt for Adobe Commerce for dedicated support services ideal for large enterprises with specific technical requirements.


Shopify and Adobe Commerce offer robust ecommerce solutions, but the right choice depends on your business needs. Shopify is ideal for businesses seeking a scalable, user-friendly platform with straightforward pricing. Adobe Commerce is suited for larger enterprises requiring extensive customisation and advanced features. Make your decision based on your budget and specific requirements.

Effective Solution:

Want to learn more about starting an ecommerce business in the UK in 2024?

Check out this guide.

Shopify vs Magento (Adobe Commerce): Summary

In the arena of B2B ecommerce platforms, the battle between Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) and Shopify rages on, each boasting distinct strengths tailored to various business needs. Here’s a succinct summary of their showdown:

Adobe Commerce (Magento):

Renowned for its open-source flexibility and robust customisation capabilities, Adobe Commerce is the go-to choice for large enterprises seeking sophisticated ecommerce ROI solutions. Its scalability, advanced features, and extensive customisation options make it a powerhouse for businesses navigating complex operations. From comprehensive product catalog management to customizable checkout processes, Adobe Commerce offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to meet the demands of enterprise-level ecommerce.


In contrast, Shopify stands out as the epitome of user-friendliness and versatility, catering to businesses of all sizes with its intuitive interface and all-in-one solution. Perfect for beginners and small to medium-sized businesses, Shopify offers a seamless setup process, a diverse library of professionally designed themes, and a rich ecosystem of apps for extending ecommerce functionality. With scalable pricing options and extensive customer support, Shopify provides a reliable foundation for businesses looking to embark on their ecommerce journey with ease.


The choice between Adobe Commerce and Shopify hinges on the specific needs and goals of your business. However, opt for Adobe Commerce if you’re a large enterprise requiring extensive customization and scalability. Conversely, choose Shopify if you prioritize user-friendliness, quick setup, and versatility. For businesses in London looking for Shopify expertise, partnering with a Shopify agency in London can provide specialized support and insights tailored to local market dynamics. 

Both Adobe Commerce and Shopify are driving forces in the ecommerce landscape, empowering businesses like RVS Media to thrive and succeed in the competitive digital arena. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, these platforms offer the tools and features needed for RVS Media to build and grow a successful online presence.