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Why is Adobe Commerce the Best Choice for Ecommerce Business in 2024?

  • January 18, 2024
  • by Jasreet Kaur
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The right choice of platform for any business can be its make-or-break decision. Moving into 2024, two major players who have been at the helm of the ecommerce world are Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, and Shopify.  

Both the platforms come along with their inherent benefits. So, which one is the perfect solution for your ecommerce requirements?  

At RVS Media, we specialise in both Adobe Commerce and Shopify within our development and ecommerce teams. We’ve conducted entirely independent research into which platforms those ecommerce giants at the top are using across various sectors.   

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What is Abode Commerce?

It was called Magento Commerce until April 21, 2021, when it got rebranded under the name of Adobe Commerce. Combining ultimate tools and technologies, this platform is a choice for leading B2B and B2C eCommerce.

Further, Adobe Commerce agency offers an intuitive and powerful CMS, advanced native backend integration features, native B2B functionality, personalisation, to back business owners in outclassing the competition. It drives seamless customer journeys between ends across all touchpoints through end-to-end omnichannel experiences.

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5 Key Features of Adobe Commerce

5 Key Features of Adobe Commerce

1. Robust and Scalable Architecture: 

  • Core Strength: Adobe Commerce’s is built on a robust and scalable architecture, crucial for Ecommerce businesses of all sizes. 
  • Seamless Scalability: The platform supports organic growth without compromising performance. 
  • Versatile Adaptation: Suitable for both startups and large enterprises, providing stability and flexibility for continuous expansion. 

2. Seamless Integration Capabilities: 

  • Integration Hub: Acts as a cohesive hub, integrating with various tools and platforms. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlines business Requirements processes by connecting different ecommerce operations. 
  • Enhanced Focus: Allows businesses to focus on core activities by simplifying complex workflows. 

3. Advanced Analytics and Reporting: 

  • Data-Driven Insights: Offers advanced analytics and reporting features for actionable insights. 
    Informed Decision-Making: Facilitates strategic decision-making to improve business performance. 
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a detailed understanding of customer behaviour, sales trends, and operational efficiency. 

4. Customisation and Personalisation Options: 

  • Unique Shopping Experience: Extensive customisation options to tailor online presence. 
  • Personalised Interactions: Enables personalised product recommendations and marketing messages. 
  • Distinct Online Identity: Helps businesses create a unique and memorable digital identity. 

5. Mobile Responsiveness: 

  • Optimised User Experience: Ensures seamless and responsive design across all devices. 
  • Device Compatibility: A consistent interface for desktops, tablets, and smartphones is guaranteed. 
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Improves user engagement and accessibility for mobile users.

Why is Adobe Commerce an Ideal Choice for Your Business?

Why is Adobe Commerce an Ideal Choice for Your Business?
  1. Live Search: According to research by Forrester, 43% of website visitors immediately go to the search bar. Adobe Commerce’s AI-based live search, powered by Adobe Sensei, enhances the search experience by delivering accurate and personalised search results.
  2. Native B2B Functionality:A study by McKinsey & Company found that B2B buyers want digital solutions that offer seamless experiences like Brv2C platforms. Adobe Commerce’s native B2B functionality, including client-specific catalogues and custom pricing, aligns perfectly with these expectations, making it easier for B2B businesses to meet customer demands.
  3. Powerful Shopping Experiences:According to a Gartner report, 89% of companies compete primarily based on customer experience. Adobe Commerce’s advanced features like page-builder CMS, AI-driven product suggestions, and layered navigation enhance user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversion rates.
  4. Comprehensive Catalogue Management: Effective catalogue management is crucial for large inventories. Research by Frost & Sullivan indicates that efficient product management can reduce operational costs by up to 30%. Adobe Commerce’s supports managing over 1 million products, ensuring businesses can handle extensive inventories efficiently.
  5. Global Customer Engagement: A study by Salesforce found that 58% of consumers are likely to switch brands due to poor customer service. Adobe Commerce’s mobile-responsive designs and real-time chat support ensure a consistent and engaging customer experience across all devices and channels, improving customer retention and engagement.
  6. Centralised Order Management and Fulfilment: Research by Capgemini shows that businesses with centralised order management can achieve a 20% increase in order accuracy and a 15% reduction in order processing time. Adobe Commerce’s centralised order management and omnichannel fulfilment options streamline operations and enhance customer satisfaction.
  7. New Business Models Implementation: A report by Accenture highlights that companies embracing new business models, such as subscriptions and digital goods, see a 30% increase in revenue. Adobe Commerce support for these models enables businesses to diversify their offerings and boost revenue.
  8. Promotion of Business Growth with Actionable Data: According to a study by BARC, businesses that use data analytics achieve an average of 8% increase in revenue and a 10% reduction in costs. Adobe Commerce advanced analytics and reporting tools provide actionable insights that drive business growth and operational efficiency.
  9. Future-Proof Operations: IDC research indicates that companies investing in future-proof technologies achieve 50% faster time-to-market and 40% higher IT efficiency. Adobe Commerce offers robust security, scalability, and integration capabilities, making it a future-ready solution for businesses.
  10. One-Stop Destination for Business Management: A study by Deloitte found that integrated platforms can improve operational efficiency by up to 35%. Adobe Commerce’s all-in-one platform allows businesses to manage multiple brands and channels efficiently, enhancing overall business performance and customer satisfaction. 

Discover how Adobe Commerce can enhance your ecommerce strategy. Contact us today to experience why it’s the preferred choice for businesses seeking sustainable growth and unmatched customer satisfaction in 2024.

Ecommerce Marketing with Adobe Commerce

In the vast landscape of ecommerce, Adobe Commerce stands out not just for its technological prowess, but also for its human-centric approach to ecommerce marketing. It’s not just a platform—it’s a strategic ally that understands the market’s nuanced pulse, providing businesses with the means to establish personal connections with their audience.

Understanding Market Dynamics

Adobe Commerce goes beyond conventional methods by deeply understanding market dynamics. This insight helps businesses forge genuine connections with their customers. In a digital landscape often dominated by impersonal algorithms, Adobe Commerce adds a human touch, recognising that every transaction involves an individual with unique needs and preferences. 

Empowering Businesses with SEO Optimisation

One of Adobe Commerce key strengths is its robust suite of SEO optimisation tools. Understanding the importance of online visibility, the platform equips businesses with everything they need to climb search engine rankings. This isn’t just about increasing visibility; it’s about strategically positioning businesses so their target audience can easily find them, thereby enhancing online discoverability and market reach. 

Marketing Automation

Adobe Commerce revolutionises the marketing landscape through automation, blending efficiency with personalisation. The platform streamlines marketing processes, allowing businesses to engage with their audience on a large scale while maintaining a personal touch. From targeted email campaigns to customised promotions, marketing automation on Adobe Commerce forms the backbone of strategic and efficient customer outreach.

Seamless Integration Capabilities

One standout feature of Adobe Commerce is its ability to seamlessly integrate with various tools, revolutionising the way businesses operate. The platform serves as a cohesive hub, effortlessly connecting different aspects of e-commerce operations. This integration capability not only streamlines processes but enhances overall efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on what they do best. 

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

In the data-driven landscape of e-commerce, Adobe eCommerce stands out with its advanced analytics and reporting features. Users are empowered with actionable insights, facilitating informed decision-making for improved business performance. Through detailed analytics, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, sales trends, and overall operational efficiency. Leading to strategic enhancements!

Customisation and Personalisation Options

Recognising the importance of individuality in the digital marketplace, Adobe Commerce offers extensive customisation and personalisation options. Businesses can tailor their online presence to create a unique and personalised shopping experience for customers. From personalised product recommendations to tailored marketing messages, Adobe Commerce empowers businesses to forge a distinct and memorable online identity. 

Mobile Responsiveness

In an era dominated by mobile users, Adobe Commerce places a significant emphasis on mobile responsiveness. The platform ensures a seamless and responsive design, optimising the user experience across a variety of devices. Whether customers are accessing the online store from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Adobe Commerce guarantees a consistent and user-friendly interface, enhancing accessibility and engagement. 

How Adobe Commerce Stacks Up Against Other Ecommerce Platforms?

In the competitive arena of ecommerce platforms, Adobe Commerce stands out with its blend of features, functionality, and user-centric design. Let’s delve into a well-researched comparison to understand how Adobe Commerce stacks up against its counterparts:

How Adobe Commerce Stacks Up Against Other Ecommerce Platforms?

1. Robust and Scalable Architecture 

  • Proven Scalability: Adobe Commerce offers a robust and scalable architecture, essential for businesses to grow efficiently. It supports both startups and established enterprises without compromising performance. 
  • Competitive Edge: Unlike some competitors, Adobe Commerce ensures seamless scalability, which is crucial for business systems expanding their operations. This adaptability reduces the risk of system overloads and performance degradation as traffic and transactions increase.

2. Integration Capabilities 

  • Seamless Integration: Adobe Commerce excels in its ability to integrate seamlessly with various third-party applications and tools, enhancing operational efficiency. 
  • Strategic Advantage: This capability stands out compared to platforms that struggle with integration, providing larger businesses with a cohesive and interconnected ecommerce ecosystem. Integrations include CRM, ERP, payment gateways, and marketing automation tools.

3. Advanced Analytics and Reporting 

  • Actionable Insights: Adobe Commerce offers advanced analytics and reporting features, enabling businesses to make informed decisions based on detailed data. 
  • Competitive Insight: Unlike some competitors that only focus on data collection, Adobe Commerce emphasizes the strategic interpretation of data, giving Choice for businesses a deeper understanding of customer behavior and market trends. This insight drives more effective marketing and sales strategies.

Predictions for the Future of Ecommerce with Adobe Commerce

Predictions for the Future of Ecommerce with Adobe Commerce
  1. Immersive Shopping Experiences:
    Adobe Commerce is set to lead the charge in creating immersive and interactive online shopping experiences, merging the boundaries between online and offline retail. By leveraging advanced technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), Adobe Commerce will offer customers a more engaging and lifelike shopping experience. For example, the platform is expected to enable virtual try-ons and 3D product visualisations, enhancing the online shopping experience significantly.
  2. AI-Powered Personalisation
    The future of ecommerce with Adobe Commerce will see a significant rise in AI-driven personalisation. Adobe Commerce commitment to innovation suggests that personalised shopping experiences will become the standard, driving higher customer engagement and loyalty. AI algorithms will analyze customer data to provide tailored recommendations, customised marketing messages, and dynamic pricing, ensuring that each customer receives a unique shopping experience.
  3. Blockchain Integration for Enhanced Security
    As cybersecurity threats continue to grow, Adobe Commerce is likely to pioneer the integration of blockchain technology to enhance security in online transactions. Blockchain’s decentralised nature will provide a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof method of recording transactions, protecting sensitive customer information and reducing the risk of fraud. This integration will offer B2B businesses and customers increased confidence in the security of their online interactions.


Adobe Commerce is positioned to shape the future of ecommerce through innovative technologies and strategic advancements. Adobe Commerce’s will enhance customer engagement, loyalty, and security by leading the way in immersive shopping experiences, AI-powered personalisation, and blockchain integration, ensuring a robust and dynamic ecommerce environment. These predictions are backed by industry research, highlighting Adobe Commerce potential to revolutionise the ecommerce landscape.