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Content Marketing Trends 2020

  • Feb 25, 2020
  • By Rajeev Nar
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Content is the most versatile aspect of the marketing mix. Like every year 2020 has also brought new content strategies, new ideas and new technology. The coming era demands a technically amazing content to match the preferences, habits and search needs.  

An effective content marketing strategy can work wonders for you. Find smarter ways to strategise, research, create and publish your content.

Are you ready to follow the latest content marketing trends?

Visuals in Content is the next-level

Imagery dynamics are going to rule everything from entertainment to communication. The next generation believes in the power of content with visual additions.

Teens spend a major chunk of their time on Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat whereas adults prefer Youtube. Visual trends are definitely going to be more interesting in 2020.  

For instance, Snapchat allows you to create your own Augmented Reality (AR) filters and lenses. Also, it allows you to create your own GIF now.

There are endless opportunities and, these dynamic and custom branded imagery will benefit the marketers in numerous ways.

Video content and visual storytelling

Videos were a big deal in 2019. As a matter of fact, video content and visual storytelling will find their due place in this year.

According to a survey, 62% of customers admit that videos are the only piece of content that is consumed thoroughly.

Marketers have to keep up with the pace when most of the consumers’ preferences are moving towards the videos.

What matters the most is how you tell a story and engage your users! If you can tell great stories, you are halfway there.

Enhance your E-A-T

(E-A-T stands for Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness)
Google singled out EAT and specifically pointed towards it. It refers to focusing on improving the expertise, authority and trust in your content. The rule applies well to the website content and to the authors who produce content for these platforms.

A few ways of improving your EAT: 

  • Earn links or mentions from other authoritative websites.
  • Provide EAT information on your website. Mention bio and credentials on your about page and author pages.
  • Link to authoritative sources for validating the data, stats and facts of the content.
  • Keep updating your content with the relevant, accurate and current information.  

On top of that, make sure to craft user-beneficial and purposeful content.

Content should be more engaging and more purposeful than ever

The need for creative and purposeful content will never die. Creators and marketers are well-aware of the need for stellar content.

Marketers understand that high-quality content is necessary to win over the SERPs and readers. Relying on high-competition keywords only will make the game difficult for you.

You will observe the following things in 2020:  

  • Understanding the needs of the target audience will help you.
  • Consistent tailored writing that matches your brand’s tone and style.
  • Researched content with more data and stats.
  • Deep exploration of topics.
  • Include better visuals in your content. It counts for branded imagery, demographics and custom images.

Customer-first content

Learn to address and prioritise the informational needs of the customers above sales. Building audience trust is a long-term process. It includes content that offers guidance, help, information or entertainment without a catch.

Above all, create content with the user’s needs as the bullseye. Following this trend will help you rank #1.

Your research will help you in analysing your user’s needs. Discover who they are, what are their requirements and how can you engage them? Once you know them, it will become easier for you to generate user-targeted content.

Future of Content

The future of content was never that great. Marketers are prioritising quality and up to the mark information over everything. Instead of sales only, focus on building trust and authenticity. Integrate it with visual aspects and push the boundaries.

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