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10 hacks to bring traffic to your website!

  • Sep 9, 2019
  • By Rajeev Nar
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You were quite excited when you launched your online store but it didn’t take much time to realise that not as many people that you were expecting were visiting it.

Right at that moment, you started scratching your head and frantically began to go through hundreds of marketing blogs to increase the traffic of your website, however, failed to reap success and obtain the required results.

What you are feeling or going through is not an uncommon situation. You simply need to leverage a few tactics to survive this phase.

Anyone who finds themselves in this situation needs to change their strategies.

The tactics work perfectly well for both B2B and B2C websites.

1. Advertisements

This is the most obvious thing one can do to increase the traffic on your website. Paid searches are making their way, social media advertising is getting popular and display advertising attracts customers like never before.

These paid campaigns can be easily adjusted according to your goals. Decide on your ultimate goal- whether you are looking for traffic or direct conversions? Paid channels have their own pros and cons and these need to be carefully.

2.Time to Get Social

Producing great content simply is not enough, you have to be proactive. What good is it if people are not able to find it? You need to get yourself out there… Use all the best social media channels available to you! The promotion of your content is one of the best ways to increase traffic on your website.

Take your pick, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, the list goes on…. or why not take advantage of them all?

More personalised searches on the social media platform are quite beneficial, especially for B2B niches. B2C companies might find their future in image-heavy social media sites such as; Instagram and Pinterest.

3.Impactful Headlines

Which do you read first? The article or the headline? Needless to say, the majority of us are guided by the headline. It’s the catalyst to get readers to notice and read your well written content. It’s human nature to want to read an article, story or blog that has a catchy or intriguing headline.

Even the most informative and well written blog will without a doubt, go unnoticed without a catchy headline.

I know many established writers who end up pencilling more than 10 titles and brainstorm to decide on the one that will be more likely to gain more traffic.

Before you click on that Publish’ button, make sure that your title is interesting enough! Would you want to read it?

4.Realise the importance of on-page Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Optimising the content of your website is essential and Must be done!
A few examples are;

  • Making and using an image alt text is really important.
  • Make sure to add internal links whenever you add new content to your website.
  • Meta tags and Meta descriptions should be up to the mark.

The best SEO company in London will optimise your content for on-page SEO and it will bring huge organic traffic.

5.Switch to Long-Tail keywords

Once you have established and locked down your short tailed keywords which tend to be popular, more general and are made up of one or two words. Swiftly move on and start targeting and applying long-tail keywords.

Did you know that approximately 58% of search queries are more likely to be three words or longer?

For example; summer maxi dresses petite UK. This is quite specific and detailed as opposed to a using a short tailed keyword, such as; dresses.

These keywords are less competitive and generally are lower in cost in comparison to short key words.

The best SEO agency in London will thoroughly do all the research and implement the keywords to boost your traffic and increase your conversion rates, whilst you simply sit back and relax.

6.Post content to Linkedin

LinkedIn is not solely in existence to find jobs. It is the world’s largest professional network and offers you great opportunities to promote and enhance your business. Posting content consistently will boost your profile within your community especially if have a moderate or large fan following.

7.Implement Schema microdata

Implementing schema microdata directly influences the traffic of your website. It performs an important function which makes your website easier to be detected by search engine bots and also indexes the pages of your website.

Using schema for SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation) also benefits you by resulting in better rich site snippets. It can thoroughly remove the click-through rates.

Rich Snippets is the term used to describe structured data markup that site operators can add to their existing HTML, which in turn allow search engines to better understand what information is contained on each web page

8.Guest Blogs

Initially, you may not warm to this idea but the truth is guest blogging is very popular and extremely effective.

Of course, you can keep posting blogs on your site but inviting other bloggers to do so can be refreshing and beneficial.

A fantastic method to attract new readers to your website, which will eventually lead to increased traffic.

It’s highly important to make sure that your guest blogger publishes original and high-quality content. Ensuring that there is no spam link as Google tends to penalise a site for duplicate or falsified information.

9.Your website should be responsive

Long gone are the days of PCs and desktops. People use mobile phones and tabs for browsing & shopping. If your website design is not responsive to the above, you will not be able to reach the mass audience.

Make sure that your website can be easily accessed through all different devices including smartphones. It will dramatically boost your traffic.

10.The speed of your website

Do you really think that anyone has the patience to wait around for 30 seconds for a page to open? The sites that seem to take forever to load have higher bounce rates. By Optimising the pages technically including the images, page structures and the functionality of the third-party plugins, you can improve the speed.

Remember, the faster your site loads, the more likely it is to keep the browser engaged.

Take comfort in knowing that you are most certainly not the only one who is struggling in bringing traffic to your website. There are a lot of people out there who are struggling through the same mode. All they need is top collaborate with the most reliable team of professionals.

RVS Media believes in customising some untapping strategies and cool tactics of driving traffic. This guide will help you to get over the bumps and hurdles and aims to assist you in bumping up that much-needed traffic.