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7 Proven Tips To Improve Search Engines Visibility of Website

  • August 5, 2021
  • by Emma Parkar
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes, 54 seconds

Do you know why your website isn’t ranking on Google? Weak SEO is the answer! Say no more, this local SEO guide is all you need to improve your search rankings.

Do You Really Need SEO to Improve Search Engines Visibility?

Today, even before starting a business, the very first thing most people do is getting an aesthetic website designed. Undoubtedly, having a well-performing website is an absolute must for every business, especially in this competitive digital era. But here is the deal, anyone can have an attractive website, but ranking it on Google is a completely different and often difficult story. This is where the need for local SEO kicks in. So, make one thing crystal clear, if you want to rank your website on search engines, you need a solid Search Engine Optimisation.
With that in mind, we have put together 7 proven tips that will help you improve the search engines visibility of your website and secure the top position on the SERPs. Let’s dive in!

1. Start By Fueling Your Local SEO

One common mistake most online entrepreneurs make is ignoring local SEO and only targeting the scattered audience. If you’re committing the same mistake, then you’re missing on a lot of potential clients, conversion rate, sales and revenue altogether. There are so many benefits of local SEO such as more local traffic and higher search engine ranking.

Today, for most services, internet users utilise the “near me” query more than anything. So, all you need to do is make your business visible in response to these queries.

Local SEO is nothing but the process of optimising your website to improve its presence and attract local customers. When talking about local SEO, Google My Business is a great place to start by.

Apart from it, another great way to increase your visibility on Google and other search engines is by responding to location-based search queries. When you register yourself on Google My Business, your site will start appearing on the relevant location-based search results.


Keep in mind, local SEO is the most crucial step for improving your site’s search engines visibility. So, a good idea is to hire a reliable Local SEO agency and get things done in the right way. Also, if you want to learn more about how local SEO works, and how to get started, then you can refer to our detailed Local SEO Guide.

2. Use Relevant Keywords

Most website owners think that Google only notices great business websites as a whole. However, that’s not completely true. Search engines also notice good web pages that are matching the specific searches.

Therefore, writing keyword-rich ads and valuable content is one thing, but your on-page SEO is the one that makes a big difference. So, make sure that each page of your site targets some specific long-tail keywords.

For this, you will need to perform in-depth keyword research to find the most relevant, high-quality, and high-volume keywords. Once you find such keywords, the next step is incorporating them nicely throughout your web pages, especially in meta tags. Remember, the more targeted and specific the topic is, the greater are the chances of each page ranking on the top page of Google

Also Read: How to Rank Your Store on SERPs Using SEO Strategies?

3. Focus on Crawling and Indexing

Ever wondered how Google works? It constantly crawls down the web, adds new web pages to its index, updating the profile of its existing pages, and this never-ending process keeps going on and on. Here, your ultimate aim is to get Google to add your site to its index and retrieve it for the search queries. Without this, it is not possible to improve search engines visibility of your website. This is only possible when you make the site easy to crawl and index for Google. Here is how you can do this:

  • Insert high-volume keywords relevant to your targeted topic in the meta description, meta title, URL, and even images tags of your web pages.
  • Layer up your content by means of internal linking. This makes your whole website easier to crawl and more authoritative.
  • Perform SEO audit to make sure there are no indexation gaps and related issues.

5. Discard 404 Errors

404 errors are among the most annoying things for an internet user. They not only interfere with the user experience but also mess with Google’s web page indexing process. Although 404 errors are harmless on their own and don’t affect your search rankings, it is still worth having a 301 redirect page on the places you notice a 404-error page unexpectedly.

Google Search Console offers a great tool for checking these errors. You can find them under the “crawl errors” section. Further, if you have a WordPress site, you can install any one from myriads of plugins designed to automatically detect and make 404 pages useful, or automatically set up a 301 redirect page for them.

6. Make Sure Your Content Is Easily Shareable

This tip is a no brainer, right?

But if you still haven’t made your content easily shareable, then you’re missing some really great opportunities to improve your visibility. On your blog pages, make sure to provide easy share options so that your readers can easily share your content on social media platforms. Social shares may not contribute to increasing search engines visibility directly, but they help you earn a good quantity of inbound links and a few outbound links as well. The good thing is, this tip was recently confirmed as one of the two major ranking factors in Google’s algorithm.