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What Makes High-Quality Backlinks?

  • May 10, 2022
  • by Emma Parkar
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Estimated reading time: 7 minutes, 58 seconds

Do you know what it takes to run a successful blog or a website? No doubt your immediate response would be quality content. However, there is another crucial thing that makes a huge impact on the website’s overall performance. Here we are talking about Search Engine Optimisation, SEO. The majority of you would be familiar with this digital marketing concept. It is an organic way of boosting your website’s ranking in a search engine by performing various tasks and activities. It does not make sense to post only quality content when only a limited audience can access it. If you are aware of the SEO process, you might have heard about link building. Here the SEO consultant shares the links of your blog posts with other websites to get maximum traffic. Want to know about this process in detail? Let’s get started.

1. Relevancy

Relevancy is one of the most important factors that decide the quality of your backlink. Relevance is generally referred to as the page’s context or website that links back to your page. It is an extremely important factor since it sends the signal to the algorithm that the backlink is relevant, and it adds value to the page and thus notifies that you are qualified to discuss this subject. As the appropriate number of backlinks to your website increases, Google’s ability to understand what verticals your brand is expert in increases accordingly.

2. Authority and Trustworthiness

The authority and trustworthiness of backlinks are directly related to the website linking to the website. If the website linking back to your website has plenty of relevant backlinks pointing towards their website, they tend to get increased trust and authority in Google’s records to share or pass along to your website. You can use several third-party tools like Ahrefs DR, Moz DA, or SEMrush Authority Score to understand Google’s perception of trustworthy websites in terms of backlinks.

4. Natural Placement and Inclusion

Gone are the days when people used to stuff the links in the content to add links in the footer without any relevance. Since Google has started noticing these things, it has begun de-valued footer backlinks. Any link placement that appears forced or unnatural tends to get ignored by Google’s Crawler.


Link building has always been a significant aspect of SEO services, and if used with the right strategy, it can bring good results. Though it has become increasingly difficult over time to build the links as Google has cracked down on spammy practices. Thus understanding its potential and creating the right strategy accordingly has become a new goal.