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Why is Your eCommerce Conversion Rate Important?

  • Jun 8, 2022
  • By Rajeev Nar
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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes, 09 seconds

Any eCommerce store is considered successful when it gets a good number of sales with a good percentage of several visits. This is how they measure the conversion rate. Managing an eCommerce store is always about fulfilling the customers’ demands regarding products.

However, things have changed a bit now. The online stores have realised the importance of UI/UX, and therefore Apart from delivering the right products; they are focusing on optimising the user experience. These factors certainly help in increasing the eCommerce conversion rates.

What is Conversion and then conversion rate?

Conversion is primarily the achievement of a marketing goal by the user. The conversion could be registering a customer for service, visiting a specific page, or purchasing a certain product. You can define the conversion term as behaviour or an action performed by a user during the conversion funnel. In eCommerce, the conversion rate is a metric that shows how many users within the total number of people who visit the website are getting transformed into customers. It is simply about how much traffic is getting converted into orders.

What are the usual conversion rates in eCommerce?

According to the real-time data collected by IRP commerce, the overall conversion rate is around 1.81%. However, it can range between 2% to 2.5% also. Here are the average conversion rates of a few of the selected industries.

  • Home & Giftware: 0.99%
  • Arts & Crafts: 3.39%
  • Pet Car: 2.85%
  • Baby & Child: 0.89%
  • Fashion Clothing & Accessories: 1.63%
  • Food & Drink: 1.58%
  • Sports & Recreation: 1.37%

How to calculate the eCommerce conversion rate?

It is simple to calculate the conversion rate. As discussed above, the conversion rate shows the relationship between the number of orders placed and the total number of recorded visits. The formula for getting the conversion rate is to divide the number of purchases by the number of visits and multiply everything by 100.

To get the right data to calculate the conversion rate, you need access to a website traffic analysis tool like Google Analytics. This free tool lets you install the tracking code on your web pages of the eCommerce store and collects the data on registered traffic. You need to install this code on every page of your online store to analyse which section attracts the most traffic and needs to be optimised. Besides the product or service page, It is important to track the cart step and check out pages, as these are the crucial ones.

Why does your eCommerce store need conversion rate Optimisation?

eCommerce store need conversion rate Optimisation

PPC costs are always on the rise

As more eCommerce stores are entering the market, search engines like Google increase their advertisement costs. This increase in the overall result of basic economics. Therefore, expanding your limited budget is certainly not the right way to cope with it. If the clicks on your PPC ads are not delivering the results, it is not worth spending a huge amount of money on pay-per-click campaigns. Conversion Rate Optimisation helps you to get more out of every click that you get on your ad.

Online Marketing is getting competitive

You need to have an intentional conversion rate Optimisation strategy to convert your online store visitors into customers. Today, a customer has many options as hundreds of online stores are available on the internet. Therefore, you need to make the most out of every prospective buyer of your store. Conversion Rate Optimisation can help you fetch the customers away from your competitors if used correctly.

CRO delivers faster results

Unlike Search Engine Optimisation. Conversion Rate Optimisation can help you to get faster results. With the help of the right Conversion Rate Optimisation agency, you can produce solid results. These agencies can help you implement the required changes quickly and send the users towards the funnels to complete the purchase. Therefore, you do not have to wait for months to see the results or measure your store’s growth.

Improved marketing mix

Conversion Rate Optimisation always helps you to improve your overall marketing efforts. You can see the impressive results if you are working on affiliate marketing. The higher the website conversion rates, the higher your affiliate profits would be. This will further boost your affiliates to work harder to sell your products.

Enhanced website layout

Is your eCommerce website user-friendly? Is your customer finding it easy to navigate your website? If your answer is no, the Conversion Rate Optimisation will help it. A minor change on your website can help you improve user experience and better conversions.

Legitimised Business

Your customers can leave your website if they sense that your business is suspicious. Therefore, it is important to refine and optimise the website regularly. Here you can work on a well-designed layout, organised inventory, and visible online shopping cart. Ensure your online store looks perfect while implementing your Conversion Rate Optimisation plan.

Short consumer attention span

High-speed internet has its advantages and disadvantages as well. Looking at the high-speed internet, consumers nowadays tend to spend less time on a particular page or an app. Therefore it has become important for online store owners to gain their maximum attention in lesser time to increase the conversions. Conversion Optimisation Rate helps you refine your existing content to resonate the message with consumers before the customer loses interest in your product or service.

Social Media is changing the game

We all can notice the magic social Media is creating around us. It is easier to promote the brand and gain higher conversions with the help of social media. A great conversion rate Optimisation strategy will help you cover social media platforms. Nowadays, every consumer wants to know the story behind purchasing the product before buying it. If your brand or an online store has a strong social media presence, it is easier to connect with your customers. This can also help in increasing the overall sales.


You may need to spend an additional budget while creating the Conversion Rate Optimisation strategy. However, if you plan it correctly, you can save a lot of money in the long run. Here you can save a good amount of money on the customer acquisition.

Digital Marketing is expensive

Every platform and channel, including PPC, is getting expensive. You are not only spending the money on PPC but also on the other online advertising platforms to promote your brands. However, conversion rate Optimisation can help you deal with this issue by increasing the conversion rates. Therefore, you can reduce customer acquisition costs and get the most out of your budget.

How to Improve the Conversion Rate Optimisation of your eCommerce store?

Using Analytical data to set benchmarks

The first step to start improving the Conversion Rate Optimisation of your eCommerce store is to determine your current conversion rates. You will also need to work on the customer’s lifetime and average order values while deciding on conversion rates. For this, you need to understand the analytics of your online store. This also includes how your customer movers throughout the website from the moment they land on it. This process is known as conversion funnel Optimisation. You will be able to set the benchmarks after examining these factors accurately.

Get the right tools

Another important factor that helps to improve the conversion rate Optimisation is by following the user-centric approach and holistic approach. This will help you to figure out where your site snags exist. Here, you will see what’s causing your visitors to abandon their carts or leave the site by identifying the functionalities issues. There are hundreds of tools that help you evaluate your conversion rate Optimisation. Here are a few of the tools you can consider using:

  • Confetti Maps

    These Confetti Maps help you understand where the users click based on filters.

  • Heap Maps

    This tool captures the user’s mouse movements to let you determine what attracts the user’s attention.

  • User recordings

    You can get the user recordings only if you follow privacy guidelines. With User Recordings, you can record and view users’ sessions, which gives rare insight into how users navigate your page. This will also help you know the barriers your users encounter while browsing your website.

  • Scroll Maps

    The Scroll Map helps you determine the ideal landing page length to get you the maximum conversions. Therefore you can always expect the best placements for your Call to Action.

Optimise the speed of the website

The speed of your website always plays a crucial role in conversion. According to Amazon, the additional hundred milliseconds of extra load time can give you a further 1% sale. This fraction of change can result in huge conversions later in the long run. In this case, you can connect with your website developer or any reputed eCommerce Website Development agency to make the changes in your store to improve the speed of your website and therefore Optimise eCommerce conversion rates.

Improving the navigation

Anything that comes in a way as an obstacle can slow the journey of your customer. Therefore, it is important to keep your website’s navigation smooth, seamless, and intuitive. This will help your customers to find the right products and buy them. The entry point of your website and the checkout page are two important spots for your customers. Therefore, make sure they can navigate easily on these pages to make their purchase easier.


While there are many practices to improve Conversion Rate Optimisation, you can not rely on one particular strategy. What works for the other store may not work for you. Therefore make sure to set clear goals by conducting the right research. The eCommerce Development team at RVS Media can help you plan this strategy by understanding your customer behaviour and Contingent value right. Get in touch with the experts today and start your journey towards improved conversion rate Optimisation.